
Here are some random images related to the books.

5 Comments on “Images

  1. Great story. Hope book 3 comes soon before I die of curiosity. How do I get email, etc notification of next installment?

  2. oops! sent an incomplete email. can i receive notification of third installment and how to get it?

    • Hi Ralph,
      Not a problem at all. I was actually pondering a new release mailing list for some time now, but wasn’t sure if there was really any demand.
      I’ll see about creating one soon. But, just in case it’s not ready in time, I’ll send you a manual email. (Same goes for anyone else – send me an email or leave a comment to get added to the “manual” list.)
      I’ll post more details on the website in a few days.
      Also, glad you liked the story. 🙂

  3. I just read all 3 books and loved them!! Can’t wait until the 4th one comes out.

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