… Of Mice and Men

Where to begin? Well, I suppose an apology to you guys and gals is in order first. I should’ve posted some sort of update a lot earlier than this.

The short of it is that Episode 5 is delayed a bit (yet again, I know…).

Why? I can’t go into too much detail, but there were some medical issues in the family (everyone’s okay now), and that just threw about five different monkey wrenches into what should’ve been a well thought-out plan to get this book to you guys. To be quite honest, while the whole ordeal was happening, I just was not in the right state of mind to write or work on edits.

Going to try to pick up where I left off with my editor. Can’t promise anything, as we see how well that turned out last time…

Again, sorry folks.

2 Comments on “… Of Mice and Men

  1. Hoping that family is all good! I don’t want to be a nuisance, but any new on Episode Five? Thank you. Daniel

    • Hi Daniel – yep, better for now (considering the craziness that’s happening worldwide right now, that is).
      I’ve had to make a few changes, but it’s currently right now being checked for spelling, grammar, etc.
      I’m hoping next Friday that there will be a nice big download link posted to the site for you all to enjoy.
      (Caveat: there won’t be a cover picture. The place I used for the nice episode 1 cover literally quadrupled its price, so looking for alternatives now.)

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